Shanta Holdings Website
- UX/UI Design
- Website Design & Development
- Technical Support
Building For Future Ltd is one of the most prominent real estate developer companies of this country. Their success lies in the elegance of their apartments, unbeaten quality control and strict adherence to their word-to-word commitment. Their objective is to build a modern architectural structure with the infusion of latest technologies. They also ensure sophisticated facilities and comfort keeping in mind the needs of our valued clients in order to make their living comfortable with the environment-friendly atmosphere.
The web development team of Dcastalia built and developed a customizable Single Page Application(SPA) using Wordpress which would enhance the performance of the website. Our mission was to create brilliant designs that raise the web presence, boost brand awareness and navigate customers to their ultimate destination. We needed to modernize the interface and make it more accessible for users. We planned to optimize code effectively, search engine friendly, and make it suitable for any known devices.